Baltic Sea

LETTERS | The Argonaut Newsweekly


Lone fisherman on Venice Beach. Photo credit: Kris Dahlin

Nord Stream 2

As a member of the Baltic American Freedom League, Nord Stream 2 is an important safety and environmental issue for the Baltic states in Europe. The reason for this is that there are still weapons and ships from WWII on the bottom of the Baltic Sea. Any explosion could be catastrophic to the region.

If this pipeline is completed, Russia could potentially wield power over the Baltic States and Western Europe for the following reasons:
Sweden is concerned that the Russian Navy will patrol its economic zone along with possible espionage. Vladimir Putin said that environmental concerns are entrusted to the Russian Navy.

Russia has not been cooperative on energy deals in Europe over the years. Russia has yet to ratify the Energy Charter Treaty, which is important as it is a large energy producer. Gazprom was investigated in 2011 for its abusive practices against recipients of its energy.

Sberbank CIB has raised its concerns, stating: “Gazprom’s decisions make perfect sense if it is assumed that the company will be run for the benefit of its contractors and not for commercial profit.

The Power of Siberia, Nord Stream 2 and Turkish Stream are all deeply value-destroying projects that will consume nearly half of Gazprom’s investments over the next five years. They are commonly perceived as being imposed on the company by the government pursuing a geopolitical agenda. A more important common trait, however, is the ability to employ a close-knit group of suppliers in Russia with little external control. “

We, the Baltic American Community, ask President Biden to reconsider the waiver of bipartisan sanctions against Nord Stream 2 in order to protect NATO allies.
Danute Mazeika
Mission Viejo

Re: We help the homeless

Angus! Dude! She screams and clings to the head! Where have you been in the last few decades? There have been numerous court rulings that allowed the homeless to find a home on the street because they are homeless!

Are you building your model on China? China? You know, the Soviet Union was one of the best of the Our Town concept … Thousands upon thousands of “unwanted elements” were sent to distant Siberia … and then there was Manzanar in the US

An AM protein shake from you for every resident! You are such a person!
Lisa Edmondson
los Angeles

Reply to the homeless letters last week

Jack Schwartz sponsored the construction of private housing for the homeless, which I support, but private housing is not enough.

The homeless urinate and defecate on our public, tax-funded roads and in our waterways, and some are guilty of assault, so I agree with Angus MacDonald that we also need mandatory social housing for families, detox and rehab centers, mental health facilities and facilities Low-income housing.

I disagree with Mr Schwartz’s claim that “it is unconstitutional to force people to leave the streets” and that it is communism, socialism or fascism. If the majority decides that it is not hygienic or safe for people to live on our streets, then it is our constitutional duty to “promote the common good†through our democratic republic. We’re doing it for crime, and we even did it when LA hosted the 1984 Olympics.

I disagree with Mr MacDonald that we are running a lottery because it is not a fair system and with his NIMBY comment that nobody has the right to live in a prime real estate area and we have public transportation. As with anything in life, we have to start at the bottom and move up.

Had our founding fathers lived after the industrial revolution, they would have introduced a wealth tax to solve the problems arising from the shift from agriculture to an industrial society.

However, we should combine indoor / vertical farming with these new homeless projects to fund them and provide food and work for the residents. We should also add rainwater harvesting and gray water systems, atmospheric water generators, and solar and wind power to cut costs, as well as education and microcredit to provide a way out.
In a culture where people’s paradigms and mental filters have become either private or public, let’s try again for both and come up with a proposal as soon as possible to vote on.
After all, we all value our freedoms, but just like an HOA, we commit to following certain majority norms when we live in a certain area, otherwise we might choose to live in the wild and live on the land.
William R. Hicks
Marina del Rey

