Baltic Sea

Letters to the editor from Cornwall, September 18, 2021


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lost trust


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Re: “Biden is not our friend” September 4, 2021.

Postmedia’s opinion of Joe Biden is correct; the US President is not a friend of Canada and obviously not a friend of the European Union either.

On the one hand, he announced the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline from Alberta to the USA, on the other hand, he waived sanctions against a company that is building the Nord Stream 2 natural gas system under the Baltic Sea from Russia to Germany. Once completed, Russia could use the pipeline to influence European countries.

While refusing to open the land border with Canada, he opened the US-Mexico border, resulting in a huge, sustained influx of migrants from around the infamous M-13 gang.

In addition, the southern border, which the White House continues to downplay, makes it easier for terrorists to enter the country. Some well-known Jordanians have already been arrested.

Given Biden’s son Hunter’s financial ties to Communist China, there is no hope that the president would press China to release the two Canadian Michaels.

The Democratic Party mandated Biden and portrayed him as a moderate, experienced, and trustworthy unifier, knowing that he would not be able to run the country on many levels as his cognitive abilities continued to decline. As a result, the US has an incompetent, rambling president who is easily manipulated by the extreme left radicals in Congress and elsewhere in the country.


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For example, Biden has cut the police budget even though violent crime has skyrocketed in major cities. He authorized the insidious, hateful, racially exploitative Critical Racial Theory based on Karl Marx’s “class struggle” ideology, which is spreading across the country in schools, government agencies, and the military.

The hasty, catastrophic withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan stranded hundreds of US citizens and thousands of Afghans who had worked with Americans in the fight against the Taliban and handed them over to the radical Islamist regime. In addition, military equipment worth $ 83 billion has been left behind in Afghanistan and fallen into the hands of the Taliban.

No wonder NATO allies and friendly governments in Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and others are losing confidence in the current US administration.

Opponents watch and test Biden’s determination – China’s air force flies over Taiwan, North Korea tests medium-range cruise missiles, Russia hacks US infrastructure, Iran is eager to get nuclear weapons, and the list goes on.

Some politicians are calling for Biden to be impeached, but it likely won’t happen while this is going on

The Democrats retain a majority in Congress.

Voyteck Pomykalski



Obesity affects 13 percent of the world’s population.

Usually people think that obesity is not a disease, but the mother of all diseases. It causes various diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, bone problems, heart and kidney diseases.


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Sugar is a type of carbohydrate that provides energy to the body. However, overeating sugar over time can lead to weight gain and excess body fat.

Obesity destroys a person’s beautification. The bottom line is that we should avoid eating more sugar and unhealthy foods because the excess of everything is worse.

Mohammad Naeem Talat



During the final debate between all the leaders seeking their votes on September 20th, the leader of the Quebecois Bloc, Yves Blanchet, declared that Quebec was a nation.

For real.

The last time I checked it was part of Canada – I guess he doesn’t think so!

If it wants to be a nation, I think the rest of Canada should stop paying the funds provided by the rest of Canada.

Then let’s see if it still wants a nation – without money.

Wilhelm General




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