
Racism is clearly demonstrated, loan forgiveness is unfair


The series clarified systemic racism

I congratulate the editors and journalists of Dispatch who wrote and published the recent “Black Out” series. I admire and respect the courage shown by those who have agreed to tell their very personal stories. They have helped those of us with different skin tones better understand what systemic racism looks and feels among African Americans.

I read every story and understand better how systemic racism differs from personal racism. I don’t have to engage in personal racist behavior to benefit from the effect of systemic racism. For example, I use our freeway system all the time. I had no idea that their construction required decisions on which neighborhoods to go through and which ones would be spared. Those that were ravaged were largely black and those that were bypassed were white.

I have seen a trend through personal stories of individuals who felt pressured to work twice as hard as whites in the same profession to get half the profits. When a white person fails, it is not interpreted as evidence that the white race is inferior. But this is the case with members of the black community – so black individuals feel the burden of representing their race in their performance rather than just themselves.

While I do not engage in racist behavior because I believe everyone is a creation from the same Divine Source, I can see how I have quietly benefited from being white and male in a system that perceives white and man as somehow superior. Because I believe in the American ideal that all men and women are created equal in the sight of God, I see how much of a responsibility I have to be on the lookout for systemic racism (and sexism) that I have not personally contributed but from which I benefit, and speak out to make changes where I can. The Dispatch series and the people whose stories it told opened my eyes.

Mark Matson, Worthington

Unfair loan discount for responsible borrowers

President-elect Joe Biden has spoken of a student loan forgiveness program. This raises many questions. Why reward those who have larger loans than others and punish those who don’t also because they have been responsible in working to help pay for their college education?

What about those who have repaid some or all of their university loans, regardless of their age and how long it may have lasted? If the program is truly fair, anyone who has ever had a college loan should be equally forgiven / compensated. But this program will not be fair to all and will penalize those responsible.

Not to mention other costs related to room and board, etc. will be increased by these institutions to compensate for this. There is no free lunch and it is only more that Democrats are talking about giving things that the most responsible people will inevitably have to pay for. What’s next, free cars for all students too?

Mike Cirner, Dublin
